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Sunday, August 4, 2019



To:                  Susan Martin                   United States of America
From:              Phanith Ngy                    Kingdom of Cambodia
Date:               July 2019
Subject:           Progress Report

Dear Ms. Susan Martin:

Here is the FBS progress of financial report for July of all project activities I  
have implemented continuously ministry of God 2019 in Cambodia.

May all the Jews [Israel]and Christians be united in spirit both in mind and heart

Your co-worker in Christ

Phanith Ngy

P.S. I am terribly sorry for working always late  
For the prospective ministry which I planned to move ahead online, I have been learning and setting 
up a new blogger called, “Church Supported Unit – Cambodia” Up to now, this is going to be a 
bigger move toward outreaching the world in better and smarter way. Now it is finished 85 percent 
hopefully takes in just a few months to complete it and launch automatically afterward.

1.     Executive Summary
2.     Progressive Activity
A      Teaching Children to Know God’s word
B      Building the Prospective Altar of God
C      Nursing and Caring Begotten Children of God
D      Sharing the Gospel with Adult Students
E      Three Day Mission Field of Evangelism
3.     Progressive Bookkeeping
4.     Letter of Gratitude

Spiritual wealth inversion in the beginning stage is increasing in the days of 
Israel nations - [Israel (Biblical Jew), the United Kingdom (Ephraim), the 
United States (Manasseh)]. For these are God’s people who are being witnessed 
through their financial blessing, the fulfillment of His desire to manifest that 
spiritual wealth transfer in the final stage, from the Jew to the birthright 
nations US/UK, Joseph’s sons, and from them Joseph’s descendants to the 
Gentile nations, those who have shared faith in the same God of Abraham 
financial prosperity, like once God says, “I will bless those who bless you and 
I will curse those who curse you.” We, as the Gentile nations, have been prayed 
for you, those Israel nations, the Jew - Jerusalem and those birthright nations, 
to be eligible or counted for receiving God’s promise of blessing through 
Abraham’s Seed.

Our share in the same God and the same faith in Him, receive His Word well, 
release His mighty, unlock His power that He may come in our behalf and move 
on our behalf. For there shall be in this hour financial distress in the world as 
10 plagues in Egypt while our God dealt with Pharaoh, the king, but it will not 
affect the house of faith just like those biblical Israelites in Goshen in the days of 
Joseph. The economy shall go up and down; but those that learn to walk in 
Him, they shall see the spiritual prosperity which brings forth physical wealth 
in Him or in His kingdom come forth in this hour in a way that has not been 
seen in the past, not only for the Jew, but for the US/UK and for the Gentiles 
as well.


A. Teaching Children to Know God’s Word
This activity presently continues from where it was last month. The children 
usually around twenty five have come to class and learnt their lessons at my 
house every weekend, Saturday from 12:00 to 14:00 pm.

In the following month, my daughter and I have helped them in guiding 
and leading their study, they have learnt Level 4. In lesson 71, children 
have learned about: Jesus Is Lord of the Sabbath

LESSON 71       “WE CAN HAVE LIFE” (Continued)
Immediate Objective
By the end of the teaching session, all children shall be able to know the truth 
of God of how we too can have eternal life in Him through believing the 
gospel and obeying Christ (being faithful to His teachings) until death to be saved


Quoted Scriptures (Luke 6:1-11 NASB)
1Now it happened that He was passing through some grainfields on a Sabbath; 
and His disciples were picking the heads of grain, rubbing them in their hands, 
and eating the grain. 2But some of the Pharisees said, “Why do you 
do what is not lawful on the Sabbath?” 3And Jesus answering them said, “Have 
you not even read what David did when he was hungry, he and those who were 
with him, 4how he entered the house of God, and took and ate the consecrated 
bread which is not lawful for any to eat except the priests alone, and gave it to 
his companions?” 5And He was saying to them, “The Son of Man is Lord of the 

6On another Sabbath He entered the synagogue and was teaching; and there was 
a man there whose right hand was withered. 7The scribes and the Pharisees were 
watching Him closely to see if He healed on the Sabbath, so that they might find 
reason to accuse Him. 8But He knew what they were thinking, and He said to the 
man with the withered hand, “Get up and come forward!” And he got up and came 
forward. 9And Jesus said to them, “I ask you, is it lawful to do good or to do harm 
on the Sabbath, to save a life or to destroy it?” 10After looking around at them all, 
He said to him, “Stretch out your hand!” And he did so; and his hand was restored. 
11But they themselves were filled with rage, and discussed together what they might 
do to Jesus.

The Kingdom of God Principle
Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath. This Sabbath is made by God for man (Gen.2:3), so it is 
not lawful to have another man-made sabbath for mankind. If we are truly the called 
out ones and citizen of the God of heaven, we must also obey His given law, which is the 
word of God within the Holy Bible, though that we are still here on this earth. This means 
that every citizen of the kingdom of God has to hold fast seriously to all of His 
teachings – fully and completely without exception – no excuse from his part, no matter 
how good it may seem. When the people of God reject some parts of the Scriptures, whether 
for some good reasons, he biblically become an excusitis, sin of breaking His law concerning 
Sabbath Day. However, like the Lord Jesus said, He could only do some good things on the 
Sabbath like healing and saving people, to set him free from bondage; for He Himself is the 
Lord of the Sabbath!

May His kingdom come and may His will be done on earth as well as in heaven!
Children should be our primary target group for building faith in GOD. I strongly believe that amongst 
our entire harvest field, they are like a good ground to sow much more than other age groups. Many 
of them do respond to the Word of God through Scripture sharing and teaching.

B. Building the Prospective Altar of God
In the following month passed by, we continued our project of making 
discipleship with 12 students from Mean Chey University and another teaching 
training school. First I planned and began to pray for divine guidance in 
choosing prospect disciples, for fellowship food, for revelation from God, for their 
study as well as our training. Our schedule now is bound to time of available of 
students according their new times scheduled at school this year. Participants: 12 
persons, 7 male and 5 female young adults.

The Very Gospel of Christ Series
                                                            Date: Thursday, June 20, 2019
True Christians should have a strong fortified city to live in especially for coming 
up of Tribulation. Is this an obvious why? Will it be safe and secure when we dwell 
in the world, just like in the ancient days of Israelites in Egypt? Is Goshen the 
typical place of safety where we are going to be protected like David in the cave? 
Let us see what and how God’s people will have been protected as the Holy Bible 

TITLE: Ways to Prepare for The Place of Safety

Immediate Objective By the end of the session, every disciple shall be trained to 
the way of God, disciplined with how to live and obey Him through His Word, 
which empowers by His Spirit
ü (Eze.5:1-2) As for you, son of man, take a sharp sword; take and use it as a 
barber’s razor on your head and beard. Then take scales for weighing and divide 
the hair.
ü One third you shall burn in the fire at the center of the city, when the days 
of the siege are completed. Then you shall take one third and strike it with the 
sword all around the city, and one third you shall scatter to the wind and I 
will unsheathe a sword behind them.
ü (Deu.28:52) It shall besiege you in all your towns until your high and 
fortified walls in which you trusted come down throughout your land, 
and it shall besiege you in all your towns throughout your land which the 
Lord your God has given you
ü (Eze.5:12) One third of you will die by plague or be consumed by famine 
among you, one third will fall by the sword around, and one third I will 
scatter to every wind, and I will unsheathe a sword behind them
ü (Eze.5:5) “Thus says the Lord GOD, ‘This is Jerusalem; I have set her at 
the center of the nations, with lands around her. 
ü (Eze.5:6)  ‘But she has rebelled against My ordinances more wickedly than 
the nations and against My statutes more than the lands which surround 
her; for they have rejected My ordinances and have not walked in My statutes.’ 
ü (Eze.5:7)  “Therefore, thus says the Lord GOD, ‘Because you have more 
turmoil than the nations which surround you and have not walked in 
My statutes, nor observed My ordinances, nor observed the ordinances of the 
nations which surround you,’
ü (Eze.5:8) therefore, thus says the Lord GOD, ‘Behold, I, even I, am 
against you, and I will execute judgments among you in the sight of the nations.
ü (Eze.5:3) “Take also a few in number from them and bind them in the edges 
of your robes.
ü (Rev.12:14) But the two wings of the great eagle were given to the woman, 
so that she could fly into the wilderness to her place, where she was nourished 
for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent.
ü (Exo.19:4) ‘You yourselves have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I 
bore you on eagles’ wings, and brought you to Myself.

Principle in the Kingdom of God
Referring to God’s revelation above, particularly in quoted verses from Ezekiel 
chapter 5, it is a strong warning of God to the world during the upcoming years. 
It is going to be a travail days we have ever heard of so far. This coming of 
great tribulation is plague after plague, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself warned 
seriously in Mat.24; Mar.13; Luk.21; this will be the most trouble days for everyone 
on the earth. It will be days for weeping and running for life when the calamity 
is beginning to sweep every corner of the world. Why the merciful God allows 
this event coming upon the world then? It is His final warning to those who do 
not know Him and those who do not obey the Gospel.

However, we as true chosen and begotten people of God of heaven is going to settle 
in the place of safety, during this coming of great tribulation for three years and 
half, away from Satan, who tries to take their lives. They are going to be 
nourished and protected in their fortified city. Only the true saints of God is 
going to be protected within the place of safety. They are the real woman God will 
bear her on His eagle mighty wings. God is our stronghold!

C. Nursing and Caring Begotten Children of God

Duration: 40 minutes      Worshippers: 54 persons, parents - 
Date: Sunday, June 16, 2019
TITLE: True Christian Has Excellent SPIRIT

Immediate Objective By the end of the sermon, the church shall be able to 
understand and know exactly how to live their lives following God’s way of life 
as an obedient believer

Does it matter if someone possesses a special kind of spirit within him? Why is he 
the one to have such a spirit? Is the spirit like a mark on his head to be a future 
king? Let us see together below whether the statement here is true and biblical 
that can be applicable to our lives? To begin with our Holy Bibles, pens and 
notebooks ready in our hands: Never forget to look at what we can be THEN, not 
what we are NOW!

ü (Dan.6:3) Then this Daniel began distinguishing himself among the commis
sioners and satraps because he possessed an extraordinary spirit, and the king 
planned to appoint him over the entire kingdom.
ü (Psa.150:2) Praise Him for His mighty deeds; Praise Him according to His excellent 
ü (2Pet.1:17) For when He received honor and glory from God the Father, such an 
utterance as this was made to Him by the Majestic Glory, “This is My beloved Son with 
whom I am well-pleased”
ü (2Cor.4:7) But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing 
greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves;
ü (Phi.3:8) More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value 
of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and 
count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ,
ü (Phi.3:13) Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but 
one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, 
ü (Phi.3:14) I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
ü (2Tim.2:20) Now in a large house there are not only gold and silver vessels, but 
also vessels of wood and of earthenware, and some to honor and some to dishonor.
ü (2Tim.2:21) Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these things, he will be a 
vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.
ü (1Cor.9:24) Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one 
receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win. 

The Kingdom of God Principles
The people of God, whether we believe or not, really possess extra kind of spirit like Daniel the prophet of God in Old Testament did, imparted or impregnated from the God of heaven. This 
spirit empowers us to live our new lives as His royal kings and priests on the 
Earth, just as God our Father promised with Abraham. Today we are still heirs 
(not yet inheritors) of the promises (the birthright and the scepter ones), we share 
our faith in God through His Seed. Though that we are still spiritual princes and 
princesses (in embryo), we have been trained seriously to be just that as He 
intended. The process has been going on until our Shiloh comes with crowns 
to coronate those successful vessels for honor in His hand to be ready for the 
upcoming kingly line service to the glorious King. The stones, which His 
craft workmen cut and carve successfully at their different sites, will then 
be brought forward to the construction sites, where the project of building the 
house of God is set. The now spiritual kings and priests are going to share the 
reign and rule with and under Jesus Christ in the kingdom of God on earth then.


Duration: 40 minutes      Worshippers: 59 persons, parents - adults         
Date: Sunday, June 30, 2019
TITLE: From Penniless To Prosperous

Immediate Objective By the end of the sermon, the church shall be able to 
understand and know exactly how to live their lives following God’s way of 
life as an obedient believer no matter how much it costs

Sometimes we, as God’s chosen and begotten children, find that for us, it is even 
more difficult to believe that God has always prepared good things for those who 
love Him, now that we always live by the truth of God long enough up to the 
point of no change is seen possible. Why God says He prepared good things 
from the beginning for us who have been faithful to Him? The good thing 
with no food for our beloved children to enjoy and accommodation to settle 
properly? Why He allows someone to sit on our heads or our shoulders and walk 
us to pass through mud and fire to the place of abundantly? Can He lie to us if what 
He says is not trustworthy?

Let us focus AS WELL on what we can BE, what we can DO and what we can HAVE, 

ü (2Cor.8:9) For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He 
was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you through His poverty 
might become rich.
ü (Psa.113:7) He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash 
ü (Psa.113:8) To make them sit with princes with the princes of His people.
ü (Mat.19:26) And looking at them Jesus said to them, “With people this is 
impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
ü (2Cor.9:7) Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not 
grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
ü (2Cor.9:8) And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that 
always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for 
every good deed;
ü (Pro.10:22) It is the blessing of the LORD that makes rich, and He adds no 
sorrow to it.
ü (1Cor.6:9) Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the 
kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor 
adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals,
ü (1Cor.6:10) nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, 
nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.
The Kingdom of God Principles
After reception of the Spirit of God upon our baptism, we have been becoming a 
new creature, highly potential to God sight. When He wills to bless someone for his 
faithfulness to Him, it does even not any matter to Him at all, for He just uses a 
tiny seed of potentiality like what He had done to king David and Solomon, his son, like what He did to Joseph to be found favor in the king’s eyes, prophet Daniel as well and more. If He says 
we are going to inherit the coming kingdom, He definitely knows that our future 
super abundantly blessing is simply beyond our imagination or dream of. 
Something our eyes have ever seen and our ears have ever heard from. That means 
our God is able to multiply our seeds to sow and to do much more good work, to 
increase giving thanks to our Majesty. We actually won’t be able to do much with 
His richly blessing. The world around us now in the state of wastages almost 

Therefore, we are going to need for a greater reservoir of resource to tap into for 
our future reconstruction and rehabilitation global project. We are not going to 
sit and retire in the kingdom happy to see this world as it is, no but to work 
even harder like mighty giants possessed awesome energy, health and brilliant 
mind to work with our ten hands instead!
VERY WORD OF GOD. I strongly believe that amongst all of our TARGET 
GROUPS (Kids, Youth, and Parents), they are like a thorny ground to sow the 
seed whether or not it is in season or out season. Some of them do respond to 
the law of God through my observation.
D.  Sharing the Gospel with Adult Students
The Very Gospel of Christ Series What is this message about?
How can you understand it?                                                                  
Date: Wednesday, June 12, 2019
What is this message about?
How can you understand it? Be very careful to study this! Choose to have faith 
and not to have fear! Having faith in God is our ultimate solution to the current 
evil world we are living in right now.


ü ­­­­(Rev.3:21 NASB) ‘He who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit down with 
Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.

ü (1Pet.5:8 NASB) Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, 
prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.
ü (Joh.8:44 NASB) “You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the 
desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not 
stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks 
a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
ü (2Tim.2:3-4 NASB) Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. 
ü No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, 
so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier. 
ü (Mat.6:22-34) Here Christ warns us seriously not to put any idol ahead of God
ü (Luk.14:26) “If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and 
mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple.
ü (Mat.13:18-23) Idols are entanglements; Bitterness is an entanglement. This 
world is entanglement. Sin is an entanglement.
ü (2Cor.17-18 NASB) Therefore, COME OUT FROM THEIR MIDST AND BE 
And I will welcome you.
ü “And I will be a father to you. And you shall be sons and daughters to Me,” 
Says the Lord Almighty.
ü (Rev.18:4 NASB) I heard another voice from heaven, saying, “Come out of 
her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her 
ü (Rom.12:1 NASB) Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to 
present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your 
spiritual service of worship.
Application of the Kingdom Principle
A quick look with our physical eyes at God’s chosen and begotten people, they 
may be seen as no difference from those ungodly surroundings. We are still in 
the world like everyone else does; conceptually the same as those Israelites in 
Goshen, Egypt as well. However, true people of God are spiritually 
different from our neighboring communities. Now let us closely observe our 
attitudes and behavior in daily living, through spiritual eye like God in order 
to see how we are different from others.

Here in Matthew 6, the Lord Jesus prayed that may His heavenly Father sanctify us 
by His given word, which is the Truth, and help save us all kinds of evil in this 
world though that we are in the midst of it and once in a while we do sin. He did 
not ask His Father to take us out of this world! Therefore, we are biblically different 
from within to without, [1] mind-heart [2] speak-do. This may appear to be 
ridiculous to the people around us, unacceptable to their eyes and ears at the 
moment, but sooner or later we will; for we have been in the process of renewing 
and converting – being born into the kingdom and family of God especially in His 

If we have the kingdom of God operating, it [System of Eden Garden (Gen.1:3-31)] operates 
above the system of the world. (Babylon in Genesis 11 at the Babel Tower)

Here is my financial report of how the budget was spent for the year of your 
transferred fund for July - September, 2019.

1. Balance brought forward from last month             $ 568.00      
2. Received another fund transferred                          $     0.00       
3. Opening balance for July 1, 2019                             $ 568.00                 


Description of Transaction
Unit of Calculation
Purchasing 6 more national Bibles
[(1b.x 6) x ($10)]
$   60.00
Photocopying more study guide booklets
[(1$ x 0 c x 0)]
$     0.00
Copy kid lessons and their snacks
[(Copy $ 8)+(Snacks $15)]
$   23.00
Spend for fuel, food, phone, the net
[(Food 10) +(Net $10)+(Fuel $5)] 
$   25.00
Have snack and lunch with disciples
[($ 5) x (13 per.) x (1 time)]
$   65.00
Three Days of Evangelical Field Mission
[3 days ($ 7.) x (3 persons)]
$   21.00
TOTAL:    $ 194.00

                                                           Amount remained in current balance:  $194.00
* Closing balance in July 31, 2019   ([$ 568.00]-[$ 194.00] = [$ 374.00])


Dear Ms. Susan Martin:
Spiritual wealth inversion in the beginning stage is increasing in the days of 
Israel nations - [Israel (Biblical Jew), the United Kingdom (Ephraim), the United 
States (Manasseh)]. For these are God’s people who are being witnessed through 
their financial blessing, the fulfillment of His desire to manifest that spiritual 
wealth transfer in the final stage, from the Jew to the birthright nations US/UK, 
Joseph’s sons, and from them Joseph’s descendants to the Gentile nations, those 
who have shared faith in the same God of Abraham financial prosperity, like once 
God says, “I will bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse you.” 
We, as the Gentile nations, have been prayed for you, those Israel nations, the 
Jew - Jerusalem and those birthright nations, to be eligible or counted for 
receiving God’s promise of blessing through Abraham’s Seed.

Our share in the same God and the same faith in Him, receive His Word well, 
release His mighty, unlock His power that He may come in our behalf and move 
on our behalf. For there shall be in this hour financial distress in the world as 
10 plagues in Egypt while our God dealt with Pharaoh, the king, but it will not 
affect the house of faith just like those biblical Israelites in Goshen in the days of 
Joseph. The economy shall go up and down; but those that learn to walk in Him, 
they shall see the spiritual prosperity which brings forth physical wealth in Him 
or in His kingdom come forth in this hour in a way that has not been seen in the 
past, not only for the Jew, but for the US/UK and for the Gentiles as well.

Your co-worker in Christ
Phanith Ngy

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